It's mid-December, which means in Southeastern Michigan Girl Scout cookie season is kicking off. My daughter has been a Girl Scout for 5 years. I was never a Girl Scout growing up, so I was hesitant at first how much would she really learn and how much cookie season is just about making money. I have to say I'm pleased to announce she really does learn a lot. Her people skills and money skills have improved. Girl Scout cookie season with a first grader was rough. Kids that age take a long time to add up big totals at cookie booths. We want them doing the math, but we have to balance people's time and patience too. At that age we tended to add up the total but have the young girls count out the change from the money box. As second graders, the girls could add up totals a bit better though they were still using addition so depending on the size of the order they sometimes needed help. Third grade is when it really all clicked! Third graders have learned multiplication! They m...